...effectively making Canadian banks ALL TECHNICALLLY BANKRUPT right now... since DERIVATIVES are TOXIC WASTE paper... and no longer worth anything... COLLAPSE of Canada is as imminent as the US.... .[More.]
Canadians have been building debt due to low interest rates... it's about the trap them... [More...]
GARTH TURNER is the best Canadian writer that points to how Canada is in big trouble.... here's a piece
It doesn’t take much of a drive along London streets to get the picture. Strip malls with empty storefronts. Industrial units for sale. Massive factories on the edge of town with weathering ‘Available’ signs.
unquote... http://www.greaterfool.ca/2010/12/06/delusions/
MONEY SUPPLY in Canada is expanding faster than productivity just like the US dollar... Canada is doing the SAME thing with their money as the FED is with theirs.. inflating it... this means trouble.. [More...]
MEAFORD REGION should have been named TRILLIUM region... not Meaford.. to avoid confusion
ETHANOL is genocide. [+]
Canada's Next 50 years: Towards a Federal Republic
by Rick Potvin EMAIL rick_potvin@yahoo.com (not the email in the bar above)
Canada has been held "hostage". This blog documents how Canada can become a true sovereign nation-state. [Discussion forum and outline notes
Canada has been held "hostage". This blog documents how Canada can become a true sovereign nation-state. [Discussion forum and outline notes
Thursday, December 16, 2010
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- 00 Feed-- breaking news
- 00-- Outline
- 000. Canadian Republic News
- 9/11-- Relevence to Canada of 9/11 as inside job
- american system
- banks in Canada - exposed to derivatives... bankrupt
- biofuels-- Canadidan politial party platforms.
- BRITISH EMPIRE-- exists-- it's based in City of London
- Burlington
- Canada Day-- protest ethanol
- china-- opium war
- condo caper
- CONFERENCE BOARD OF CANADA-- lies about Canada's situation
- CONSTITUTION-- for Federal Republic of Canada
- consumer debt bomb
- crisis-- solve humanity's crisis to have a future
- cryonics
- digital copyright
- discussion
- ecology-- vs. transuniversalism.
- EIRwigs-- 01-- Call to action
- EIRwigs-- 02-- mission
- ethanol-- US vs. British decision
- ethanol-- wheat
- FORECLOSURES-- 01-- Garth Turner says its going to hit Canada
- FTAA-- 01-- Exchange Morning Post editorial
- GeLRinG-- Getting Larouche Into Government
- GOOGLE SEARCH-- Republic of Canada
- GRANTS-- 01-- Federal grant to educate Canadians on Larouche
- How to use
- ideological warfare-- sociological suppression of philosophy
- INEVITABLE-- Canada will steer toward Classical Humanist solutions or cease to exist
- INTRO-- 01-- This is an experiment
- JUDGES-- salary 300K + and wanting more?
- Kevin Potvin
- LAROUCHE-- links page
- London run coalition-- ready to kill the USA
- MACKENZIE-- William Lyon Mackenzie-- what's this?
- Meaford - region should have been Trillium
- Message for Canadians
- money supply - being inflated in Canada as well
- natural gas
- NUCLEAR POWER-- Larouche on Canada's potential
- Nunavut
- Obama
- Ontario
- OpenCall Dave Hlady
- Ottawa commuter rail
- PARTIES-- Cdn. Action Part-- Connie Fogal
- PARTY-- for the Rep of Can
- PESTICIDES-- 01-- Banning of pesticide is a British op
- Peter Lesdow
- Pinker-- Steven
- Prime Minister Harper
- PRIVATIZATION vs. FREE MARKETS-- 01-- distinction drawn by free marketeers
- REV-- 9/11
- REV-- archive
- REV-- Colin Powell
- REV-- gay joint smoking board meetings
- REV-- marijuana
- TROUBLE-- Garth Turner
- VANCOUVER-- 01-- Local Vancouver politicos to be updated
- wheat farmer-- call to action-- 05-07-08
- XPORTS-- 80% of Cdn exports go to U.S.-- vulnerable